ADDRESS:PeiMa Industry Park, Dainan Town, Xinghua City, Jiangsu Province, China
Contact:Liu Xiang Lu
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Current PositionHub Radial Laterals - Stainless Steel Water Distributor  



Stainless steel wire wound trapezoidal inlet device can effectively address the major anti-washing easier to run when the resin problem. The decision is a gap around the wire 10 public and important issue, the company in the dozens of customer service process, the accumulation of a wealth of experience, select a suitable gap size is very important. resin layer of large anti-washing, when a suitable gap can not only prevent resin run away, but also to make pieces of resin and dirt discharged smoothly. the guarantee not to run resin under the premise of the gap between the winding wire should be much higher. Some users are concerned about the gap between the winding wire has been greater than the parts of the resin particle size, will run resin? It is not. because when the Large anti-wash excessive, a large number of resin flock to water installations, because of clearance around the wire near the resin, the "bridging" effect, preventing the loss of resin, while the large anti-washing also reduced the flow down. operators are fully have sufficient time to adjust to the conditions. Of course, around the wire gap can not be too large, in the gap near the resin does not form a "bridge" role, running large numbers of resin, will be unavoidable.

V-around stainless steel wire in handling devices, and can replace stainless steel pipe openings re-package polyester nets old-fashioned branch pipes, circulation area, water distribution uniformity, mechanical strength, temperature resistance, pressure nature of anti-aging, anti-corrosive have been greatly enhanced. Stainless steel wire around the space can be designed according to the size of the resin. The products are ranked fishbone-type devices and hanging type medium-handling devices. 

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